In this section you can see some of the testimonials written out by various people, clients, etc.
More testimonials are available upon request.
Lawrence is incredibly bright, capable and technologically-savvy. His clients can always be confident in his knowledge and in his motivation to learn how to accomplish tasks as effectively and efficiently, as possible. It’s been a true pleasure to work with Lawrence. He always has a wonderful, cheery attitude and is motivated to pursue each challenge that comes his way. – Nava Silton creator of Realabilities
Here is one from Isaac Lew, Owner / Tour Coordinator of Intermixi Japan Tours:
To Whom It May Concern,
Lawrence Brenner first joined our staff at Intermixi about one year ago. Assisting us in webpage development and coding, Lawrence Brenner is a big part in why looks and functions as well as it does today.
There is never a problem that was troubleshooted to Lawrence that he couldn’t find a solution to. There was never a glitch too hard that he couldn’t resolve in applicable time. I highly recommend Lawrence Brenner for any task at hand.
Isaac S. Lew
Owner / Tour Coordinator
310 237 – MIXI
About Intermixi Japan Tours
Intermixi Japan Tours have been established to provide both the casual and intermediate traveler
an alternative, pop cultured look at the “land of the rising sun”. While not ignoring the cultural
history of Japan, Intermixi Japan Tours shows you the side you will never see anywhere else.
Intermixi Japan Tours current yearly schedule will be the summer, fall and winter season.
Here is another from David Napuk:
To Whom It May Concern:
As the Managing Editor of Success magazine, it is my pleasure to wholeheartedly recommend Lawrence Brenner for any future positions he might seek. With Success magazine, he fulfilled and exceeded his duties and responsibilities. His technical expertise and knowledge was vital in organizing a difficult move when we changed premises. He was able to create a wireless network for the entire office and managed to establish e-mail and telephone procedures. His abilities were further demonstrated by assisting staff members with any technical problems they had and by troubleshooting any equipment difficulties.
Lawrence also participated in the editorial side of the magazine, writing a feature article that was considered good enough to make it into the published issue. His other duties included fact checking, researching and proofreading, all of which he met ably. On the personal side, his lively and interesting personality ensured he was a welcome addition to the team and was well liked and respected by all levels of the company, including senior management.
I found Lawrence to be an excellent individual who proved more than capable of meeting the demanding requirements asked of him. He would make a valuable member of any team, and I would not hesitate to recommend him for any job or position.
Yours Sincerely,
David Napuk.
Here another testimonial from Angelo of Disorganization XIII (
the worst spoiler evar!!!
Get this loyal Disorganization XIII fans. Remember Mokucon, the convention where everything that could have gone wrong did? Well now you can see the horrible flaming train wreck that was our presentation of Spoiler: The Panel: The Sequel: The Panel on Youtube, complete with nervous jittering, auctioning off rob, the yakety sax theorem, and of course our half assed presentation.
Check it out over at this link and for the love of god, don’t judge us by this performance. Big thanks to Lawrence for putting this up and allowing everyone to laugh at our unprepared ass… or more specifically Mike’s unprepared ass.
Also for your enjoyment, we have uploaded the Thanksgiving Day rickroll everyone was so excited about.
From Karl Custer, Uncle Yo
Lawrence Brenner is a hands-on technician, more willing to meet you face-to-face than waste time over the phone. And when all eight of his arms are in motion, digital miracles take place. Mr. Brenner sees the big picture with every product and service you may have to offer, and sits down with you one-on-one to give you, in words you can understand, instructions and an attack plan to maximize your web exposure. I used to be all over the place: facebook, myspace, blogspot: Brenner used my website as a single point and centralized my fan base into one place, making updating and informing easy. He continues to save me money and teaches me how to update my website so that I am in charge. After giving me the tools and opportunity to operate and update my website at my will, he clapped his hands together and vanished into a cloud of dust, which not only destroyed the zombies but left a refreshing minty aroma to the room.
From Disorganization XIII:
Spoiler 3: Now on YouTube
If you missed Spoiler 3 at NYAF, you are a horrible person and should die in a fire! However, in lieu of gasoline we have offered you this, our first found footage of Spoiler 3 on the vast landscape of the intertubes. We bring you Spoiler 3 on Youtube, courtesy of Lawrence Brenner.
It’s pretty good quality. He had a front row seat and he vigilantly made sure that he got the slides in focus and readable. There are a couple seconds missing in between parts though, but now your imagination can fill those parts in with your own awesome! If you want to see the whole thing though, I guess you will just have to see us at Anime USA or Mokucon.
Big thanks to Lawrence for getting these videos up in such short time. If you guys notice, he is also the guy who did this website for us, so take it from us he has professional drive coming out every hole in his body. Add to that his myriad of connections, access to helicopters, status in section 9, legal know-how, ability to break the laws of mathematics, technological knowledge, event planning skills, gigantic genitalia, awesome cosplayage, evil twin, weakness to epistemology, pie, and overall cool factor and you have an awesome business partner. Seriously though, beyond the jokes, we recommend him if you need any sort of help with event planning or website management. If there is anything we can say about Lawrence it’s that he gets the job done.
The Road to NYAF
Well everyone, here it is. Our new Disorganization XIII website. Huge thanks go out to Lawrence Brenner and his elite team of helicopter ninja lawyer bakers for getting this website up.
From Sonny Strait: